Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Jerusalem: City of Gold

The first time I traveled to Israel, I landed in the afternoon, which is the best plan, in my opinion.  It allows your biological clock to set itself for the new time zone because, if you are like me, sleeping on the plane is fitful at best.  Therefore, when you land and travel to the hotel, it is time for dinner and then an early retirement.  This has always set me up for being refreshed and ready to go the next morning with no jet lag.

On that first trip, we were approaching Jerusalem at sunset.  We climbed the road leading up to the city and as we neared, there were places we could catch glimpses of it. It was the most amazing sight, and a very overwhelming experience to see the City dressed in her gold raiment peeking in and out of the trees and sides of the mountain as we got closer and closer; until finally, she appeared in all her glory.

The city is made up of buildings constructed of pale limestone, so when the sun sets, the stones become a radiant gold color.  I was overwhelmed to observe the City of Gold that the Bible speaks of.  I don’t know what I envisioned in my mind as I read those words in the Bible.  I guess I thought it was a figure of speech: but, not at all.  It is a very real phenomenon, and a very moving one for anyone with a love for what God loves.  He often portrays in the natural what is true in the spiritual.

Jerusalem is called the great and holy City, the bride of the Lamb in Revelation 21:9 and the city was of pure gold in Rev. 21:18.  Catching a glimpse of that City; that Bride in her beauty, and feeling the passion of God for that place, was a very new experience for me.  I couldn’t stop the tears that were cascading down my face.  There was a flood of emotion as I realized that God had paid my way because He wanted me to experience what He loves and share it with me.

In my five trips to Israel, that was the only time so far, that I have arrived in Israel at that hour of day, and proceeded to Jerusalem.  The other times I have gone to a different city first, so have not had the same experience again.  I sometimes feel sorry for those who travel up to Jerusalem in the morning or afternoon instead of early evening.  I actually thought the tour company we traveled with, planned the first trip to give each of us that experience, but I guess it was just a special thing that God sometimes schedules and shares with a few people for whatever sovereign reasons He has for those things.

I will always remember and cherish that first experience.  There is nothing like seeing Jerusalem for the first time, with the fire of God on it, and the Bridal beauty displayed for all to enjoy.  I am very grateful He decided to share that with me.