Monday, May 20, 2013

Entering a New Era---Being the Sound

This weekend I spoke at the N.H. Aglow Retreat.  Part of what I shared had to do with a Breakthrough Sound.  We talked about restoring the sound of joy and victory in our tent and releasing that so we will be a people He can come and agree with.  We will then be the agents on earth to make manifest the Kingdom of God. 

Here is what I think is the most significant “sign” that has happened in recent days.  Do any of you remember Felix Baumgartner jumping from a hot air balloon at the edge of space last fall?  I believe, with the Felix Baumgartner jump on October 14, 2012, we entered a new era.  He was the first man who broke the sound barrier with his own body and it has gone virtually unnoticed by the prophetic community.  Until now, the only way the sound barrier could be broken was with, or in, a vehicle.  In other words, Felix Baumgartner was the first man to reach supersonic speed in his own body, as he fell from 24 miles above the earth.

Here is the condensed version of my research turned into a short synopsis of what I see:

Firstly, October 13th (the day before the jump) was the first day that the yearly Torah readings in the Jewish calendar returned to Genesis 1:1.  As we know, the first chapters in Genesis are all about the Garden of Eden.  These Genesis readings, if we are going by the Jewish calendar, began the day before the jump. Felix, in Hebrew, means “happy, fortunate” and Baumgartner means “nurseryman”-- one who owned or worked in an orchard.  His mother’s name is Ava, a derivative of Eve. 

I believe we as the church, are returning to the revelation of God’s intentional design to happily care for the original garden (Israel) and in a larger context, the earth and take dominion so that God can reign.  It is time for these scriptures to be fulfilled:

For the LORD shall comfort Zion: he will comfort all her waste places; and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the LORD; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody. Is. 51:3.

Jer. 31:12, Therefore they shall come and sing in the height of Zion, and shall flow together to the goodness of the LORD, for wheat, and for wine, and for oil, and for the young of the flock and of the herd: and their soul shall be as a watered garden; and they shall not sorrow any more at all. Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance, both young men and old together: for I will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them, and make them rejoice from their sorrow.

Ez. 36:35, And they shall say, This land that was desolate is become like the garden of Eden; and the waste and desolate and ruined cities [are become] fenced, [and] are inhabited.

Isaiah 51:11, Therefore, the redeemed of the LORD shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy [shall be] upon their head: they shall obtain gladness and joy; [and] sorrow and mourning shall flee away.  
The song of victory is powerful enough to bring restoration of God’s original intention.

Baumgartner jumped from an altitude 24 miles above the earth.  The number twenty-four, being a multiple of twelve, is the number associated with the heavenly government and worship, of which the earthly form in Israel (David’s Tabernacle) was only a copy.  So, this restoration is about the kingdom of God being firmly established on earth as it is in heaven.

24= two Hebrew letters kaph-deleth which was signified by an open palm in the act of opening the door of priesthood and the sanctuary of God. 

You know, even Jesus could only enter the outer court of the Temple when He was on the earth.  He was the High Priest in the spiritual sense, but He never stepped beyond the veil.  We are given the opportunity to understand the greater things that are now available to us; full privilege as priests to live in that dimension.

To give Baumgartner’s jump more significance; it came into an alignment with two other events on the same day, both having to do with breaking the sound barrier.  Because of inclement weather delays, Felix’s first attempt had to be aborted and consequently rescheduled.  This caused his jump to align with the exact date on which Chuck Yeager had broken the sound barrier in an airplane in 1947.

Also, the space shuttle Endeavor breaks the sound barrier multiple times as it descends in a controlled fall.  It came to its final resting place in Los Angeles on that same date, also due to unforeseen delays.  The alignment of these three events has caused me to be curious about what God might be saying. 

I have also noted that the day after this jump, was the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles on the Jewish calendar.  This has so many implications for us today.  I wish I could concentrate more on it, but, in a nutshell, the Feast of Tabernacles, in Jewish circles is considered THE feast.  It symbolizes God coming and dwelling in the midst.  It symbolizes God being married to His people.  It symbolizes the ingathering of the nations in response to Israel being a teacher nation who lives out the commandments of God to be a light to the nations.  There is no other festival or feast that has as its commandment a sound of JOY being released.  It is the culmination feast, celebrating all God is and has intended for His people. 

My take on Felix’s jump is, we are being given an opportunity to understand that the time of human “endeavor” to bring a sound of heaven into the earth realm has come to its final resting place.  We no longer have to have a vehicle through which to bring the sound of heaven to earth.  We have now entered a new era where it is possible to BE the sound; not just BRING the sound.  The door is open for us in a new way to operate in the high priestly calling.  We are being given the ability to become one with the eternal sound as we access the sanctuary of God inside us, and release the sound from the place where God tabernacles within us.  We instinctively know and can recognize the sound, because it is part of our DNA. One of the sounds that we need to understand and incorporate into our own unique calling for today, is that Israel and the Jewish people have been given the commission to be a light to the nations.  What do you think it means when God says that salvation is from the Jews?  Is there maybe a piece that is missing in their understanding before they can fulfill that commission more fully?  How are they going to get that piece back?  How can we release a sound that will restore that revelation?
Felix’s goal was to reach the edge of space and break the speed of sound.  He had a dream. He had a goal bigger than life that drove him, and one for which he was willing to die trying to achieve.  Do you have a goal like that?  When I received the understanding of Israel in the plan of God, one of the thoughts I had was, “This is something worth living for and something worth dying for.” 

As citizens of heaven, one of our goals is to be that breaker company, with the adventuring and pioneering spirit, which will release a sound to awaken and restore the prophetic purpose Israel has been given.  This will cause them to once again, BE the sound to the Nations that God originally intended. It will pave the way for Him to come back and tabernacle with us here.  While that is the ultimate goal, we also have the additional commission to BE the sound in whatever sphere of influence we have been given.  Our personal call; our personal sound, and God’s ultimate intention are intricately woven together.

Some people, after hearing the story of Felix have asked, “Why would he do such a dangerous thing?  He would have to be crazy?”  It seems foolish to those people.  We are going to be asked step out in the understanding we have, and put ourselves in situations that will fail miserably if God does not show up.  We are going to have to make the decision to be “all in.”  Esther...if I perish, I perish.  Ruth...I don’t know what the future holds, but where you go, I will go…Peter…where would I go…You have the words of eternal life…

I like to say that today’s crazy is tomorrow’s cutting edge, and next week’s normal.  I want to hang with the pioneers and the “birthers” who are willing to look crazy so that something new can happen: something God has had on His heart for a very long time.  I believe the next thing we need to turn our attention to, is helping creation (which encompasses Israel, the nations, individual people as well as the nature) get her sound back; get their identity back.  When we ARE the sound of joy and gladness, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody, Creation can take its rightful place and we can all return to the Eden of the heart of God.