Thursday, February 2, 2012

Victoria Blodgett and Victoria Blodgett

I am Victoria Blodgett.  There are others out there with my exact name, but I don’t know them, or have reason to initiate any contact with them.  I can ask Facebook to search for that name, and five others will come up.  There is never any mistake or mix-up of who is who, because each name requires an exact address in the computer and all of ours are different.

A month or so ago, I had an unusual experience.  I got an e-mail for Victoria Blodgett confirming that I had bought tickets for a performance with my credit card.  It came to my e-mail account.  I opened it up and saw that, indeed the name and server were mine.  However, the credit card, of which I could only see the last four digits, was not.  There was an address in Canada and a phone number, so I called and talked to the other Victoria Blodgett.  We were baffled at how our e-mails had never crossed before, given we had the same e-mail address.   She decided to contact the company from which she bought the tickets, to straighten out the problem, since having me e-mail the tickets to her was not going to work.

After I got off the phone, I decided to double check the address.  I confirmed that the address was indeed mine.  I remembered the other Victoria telling me that hers included parts of her entire name.  Then it dawned on me that mine has abbreviations.  I forwarded the tickets to the address with the fuller name, and got an answer right away that she had received them.

It felt a little weird to have this experience, and I quickly forgot about it.  However, it came back to me today, because I have been asking about the eternal realm.  I know that, even though most of us feel very securely anchored on this side, the veil is very thin.  We, who are alive, exist for eternity.  When we cross over, we will spend it with the Lord, or separated from Him forever. 

I am learning that, through worship, we can cross over into the timeless realm.  When we lose our “self” consciousness and become totally God conscious, we can find ourselves in another dimension.  We can exist in two places at once.   Just as electrons in our body blink in and out of this dimension, so we can be in the heavenly realm and the earthly at the same time.  The heavenly realm is so expansive that consciousness is heightened just by a momentary visit.  Perception is altered with a split second of presence.  There’s a knowing without striving; it is a quality of the place.

I cannot make this happen, it happens when I lose myself in worship.  It’s like the two e-mail addresses somehow getting confused.  What solely belonged to the other Victoria, became mine.  I had access to information usually hidden, due to one “chance” aberration.  Because of that, I could meet my “other namesake.”  She had information I had no access to, except for the permission she granted me. 

We are Jesus’ other namesake.  He has marked us with his name.  There is a place in the Spirit where we two can become one.  In this place, our thoughts will become His and the intents of His heart are made known to us.  I am asking for an increased capacity to be fully comfortable in that realm, so I can stay and learn more of what He wants me to know.   There are so many wonderful dimensions to this amazing God of ours.  Just as “one touch from the King changes everything,” so one moment in His presence, can release a depth of revelation that goes beyond words, but gives understanding of things too wonderful to express adequately.

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