Friday, November 21, 2014

Why Must We Pray for Israel Part Three

Yesterday we talked about a clue to Jesus' prophetic word and when He would assume His throne on earth. We have one clue in Daniel 12:7.  That scripture states:

"At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered.
Dan 12:2 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.
Dan 12:3 Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.
Dan 12:4 But you, Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge."
Dan 12:5 Then I, Daniel, looked, and there before me stood two others, one on this bank of the river and one on the opposite bank.
Dan 12:6 One of them said to the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, "How long will it be before these astonishing things are fulfilled?"
Dan 12:7 The man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, lifted his right hand and his left hand toward heaven, and I heard him swear by him who lives forever, saying, "It will be for a time, times and half a time. When the power of the holy people has been finally broken, all these things will be completed."   

The power of the holy people speaks of the religious leaders.  In Israel, both in Jesus’ day and in our day, the religious leaders, hold enormous sway over the people.  For example, they have influence in government in the Shas party, often working in opposition to what is good for the nation.  They control who gets a kashrut license, a kosher license for a restaurant or place that sells food.  If you are a Messianic Jew, you can be refused a license even if you follow all the ritual laws regarding the process and selling of items under the kosher law.  Some of these religious leaders organize groups to persecute believers even to the point of beatings and murder, convinced they are acting to purge Israel from idolatry.  They do not serve in the army, believing there is no basis for the modern state of Israel until the Messiah comes.  In addition, they live in separate communities, often wearing clothing that has not changed since the middle ages.  They do not hold jobs but study Talmud in Yeshivas which are Rabbinic schools.  They receive government subsidy even though they do not believe in paying taxes. The Talmud consists of volumes of the collections of ancient Rabbinic writings.  They contain the Mishnah, the first section of the Talmud, which is a collection of early oral interpretations of the scriptures as compiled about A.D. 200. Also, the teaching of a rabbi or other noted authority on Jewish laws, and the Gemara, the second part of the Talmud, consisting primarily of commentary on the Mishnah.  Most of their time is spent, not in the study of Torah, which is God’s word, but in commentaries of what others think the Torah says and how another interprets what that means.  The Ultra Orthodox occupy the place of the modern day Scribes and Pharisees.  These are some of the “holy people” Daniel was speaking of.  

Every tactic and deception is being used to prevent Jesus’ installation as king.  In this community, it culminates now in a type of witchcraft practiced in the form of Kabbala.  The anti-Christ spirit behind the deception and blindness on the part of the Jews, was given an open door when the Jewish people asked for a king to rule them in 1 Samuel 8.  That rejection of God as Father and King (Anonai Eloheinu), set in motion a turning away that culminated in the rejection of Messiah).   This continues even now, as it has grown in deception and gained energy, having been empowered by the demonic. (some words taken from Treasures of Darkness by Miriam Ruth Malachi).  Asking for an earthly king, opened a door to Satan, who was evicted from heaven and cast down to the earth. It gave him legal entry to pervert truth, deceive and infiltrate the Jewish heart, and bring a spirit of blindness.  I am not talking about Jewish people in general, I am talking about the spirit behind the deception.

Satan’s goal was always to be like God and, as stated in Is.14:13, possess a throne above the stars of God.  “I will sit upon the mount of assembly in the uttermost North”.  He is now engaged in a plan to do just that.  He understands that the throne in Zion is to be the place of the throne of God.  Ps. 48:2 …beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is Mt. Zion, on the sides of the North, the city of the great King.

While I believe the ultimate plan is hidden, Satan understands enough to keep the Jews working for him through deception.  As I said before, the modern day Scribes and Pharisees study very little scripture.  They spend their time studying commentaries of their respected sages. They make cases outlining the meaning of passages as they interpret them.  They have a vested interest in denying the Christ. This denial began when Jesus came into the temple the first time and quoted Isaiah 61.  The Bible states that the people were amazed at his gracious speech, but inside they were offended by truth.

When Jesus quoted Isaiah 61 and sat down in the seat many teach was reserved for the Messiah, he prophesied that, just as these in his hometown were going to reject him, the Gentiles in the world would more readily receive him.  When the people heard that, they were filled with rage and drove him from the temple.  This was the first recorded public rejection of Him as Messiah.  The door was opened wider for the anti-Christ spirit to have a hold on the minds of the Jewish people.

As we read the New Testament, we see again and again, the Scribes and Pharisees witnessing miracles and yet, immediately following those, ask for a sign that Jesus is the Messiah.  Each time they had the opportunity to “repent unto the kingdom,” they preferred Rabbinic Law to the new revelation, thus preferring the old wine over the new.  The anti-Christ spirit became more and more entrenched with each refusal to accept what their eyes saw and their ears heard.   It grew in strength until, finally, there was enough demonic power to kill Yeshua, deny the resurrection and pay to quiet the eye witnesses.  The Son of Man was handed over to those who had the keys to make him king.  He was delivered over to the gatekeepers of the city and the law, to be crucified as a criminal.
The demons knew who Jesus was, the common people also recognized him to a certain degree.  Every time someone called him, “Son of David,” which is recognition of the covenant and promise of God, Jesus responded to them.  He often healed them because they were recognizing his kingship. 

The Scribes and Pharisees are a huge key in the Orthodox community.  They have the authority to interpret the law, and the people follow.  In Jesus’ day, if they had received Him, the people would have been behind Him, too.  As a natter if fact, there were many times that the people did have revelation.  Jesus could have led by revolt, but he did not want to lead without the religious leaders' the holy people, receiving the revelation.  He is to be installed as king, not usurp the throne.

As the rejection of Messiah by the Jewish people took place, the gospel went out into the whole world, permeating every nation.  It went forth from Jerusalem into the uttermost parts of the earth.  This was God’s mercy and grace and part of the mysterious plan of God.  It was always God’s intention to bless the nations.  He wanted the blessing to come through the Jewish nation and there will be more blessing to come as we align with His heart.   Now there are believers in every nation.

However, I believe the anti-Christ spirit is so strong that it will take the NATIONS praying to see the Jews come into their inheritance.  All those who have received the blessing of salvation because of the blindness of the Jews and are partakers of the covenant promises, must pray to have the veil lifted and the way opened for their understanding.  I believe that the Church must come to see the vested interest she has in the Jewish revelation of their Messiah

Tomorrow, I am going to ask some questions to make us think differently...stay tuned!

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