Thursday, January 28, 2016

If I Could Draw...

…Your seed will possess the gate of His enemies.  Gen. 22:17-18
I wish I was an accomplished artist.  I wish I could draw some of the things I see. 
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  Out of Himself, God released a joyful intentionality that manifested as a womb for mankind.  Then He fashioned mankind from the dust of the earth.  He took some of the finest particles and fashioned them into His earth man; the fleshly counterpart to glory.  This earthman was made in His own image and likeness.  He was the self-same substance, the mirror version of the Divine nature reflecting the attributes of God.  God was so satisfied with what He created, He rested.  He enjoyed.  He feasted on what He saw; His image and likeness in a flesh suit.  He named him Adam.  Among other things, Adam speaks of earth, soil.  This was a hint of the fruit to come.  It takes soil to produce fruit.
God wanted this flesh mirror image to experience the same pleasure He had in creating, so He put Adam into a deep sleep and reached within him to form a counterpart; a co-creator.  Both halves coming together would now be able to create like Him, because God is infinitely creative and expansive.  He breathed into them the breath of lives; the Trinitarian kiss releasing the Father heart, the creative redemptive heart and the nurturing and sustaining heart;  the breath of all lives of to come.
These two could now reproduce His image in the world, each reproduction containing and releasing a unique facet of His nature and likeness.  No two beings the same.  And God saw it all and knew it as good.
If I could draw, I would show Jesus gazing at a mirror surface on the facet of an extremely large diamond.  I would show Jesus gazing at mankind in all his variety inside the diamond and seeing Himself.  I would paint Jesus with a huge grin on His face, in total enjoyment  and connecting with what He saw there. 
I would picture procreation as an act of the recreation of the image of God in the earth, each person a facet of His being and each one also having the ability to co-create with Him.
The scripture “ye are like gods” would be played out, because I would show mankind fulfilling the commission to fill the earth enabling His image to replace the distortion.  The womb of our beginning restored to vitality.
If I could draw, I would show the Lamb was within this people from the beginning.  Somewhere in the center of the diamond, I would show the Lamb, slain before the fall of the world.  It would be the center of the seed of life, planted in soil that was necessary for the eventual fruition of a plan so mysterious that we are only able to catch a portion and a facet at any one time.
That’s some of what I would do, if I could draw.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate the way your words paint pictures for us.
    Nevertheless, I hear you. What I love about you is your passion and persistence of all things creative.
