Thursday, December 14, 2017

Anticipation Day 14

And now I want to turn your attention to the matter of the star. How is it that a star could guide the wise men to Bethlehem without anyone else noticing? Neither Herod nor his astrologers knew anything about the star, until the Wise Men came looking for the new king, and enquired in the natural place one would look for him.
How is it that the star was so noticeable to the Wise men, that it would compel them to travel miles to observe a significant event that no one else was aware of? How is it they seem to be the only astrologers recorded who take part in the story unfolding in their day? How is it they kept that star before them for months, following its leading until they closed the gap between present day and future?
Surely, it was because their eyes were trained and they were expectant, but this angel is not going to answer that “how is it” question.
 I am going to propose that it is a parallel sign of something else that was happening concurrently and is still happening today.
There is a phenomenon that is rising in the earth which many do not understand or consider. In former days, there was the rising up of a special star. It was practically unrecognizable to the most learned men, but those who had an eye to see, have been keenly observing that star and pledging allegiance to follow, just like the Wise Men of old.  
This star is an idea, a concept, an identity, an ideal; but so much more. It is a promise, a guarantee, an example, and a prophetic statement. It is a teacher and a first born and prototype. It is a home and a people and a nation.
It is the gleam in Father’s eye and it is the birthplace of His Son. It is where the story begins and where it will end. It was given to a people and taken from them. It was decimated and destroyed and now it is being restored once again. It exists in our parallel dimension; the dimension of angels and heavenly host, and yet is growing in reality in the earthly dimension. It is growing up into the fullness of the Divine Intention because it has always been in the Divine from the start. It will one day descend and meet the expectation of those who are observing. Their observation will bring it out of the surreal and into the natural.
It has come back to life as a rising star in the East. Everything past is anchored there and everything future. If the sons of Adam keep their eyes on the star, they will find the longing of the Ultimate intention hidden in the heart of the Divine. The star embodies an invitation to step into an ethereal truth that defies logic.  It will allow passage through a portal of understanding which makes life take on purpose and meaning far beyond the mundane.
As I said, few observed the star which directed the Wise Men to the firstborn Son. Many do not recognize the firstborn nation that is leading the way back to the heart of the Divine but coupled with this rising star is an alluring opportunity for them to be players in the story that is unfolding, just like there was for the Wise Men. Wise men still keep their eyes on the rising star in the East, the apple in the eye of the Divine.

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