Monday, December 4, 2017

Anticipation-Day 4

We sensed it was time to cross over into that other dimension which was now one with ours, to release the song we had been enveloped in, over the Child and over creation. We swam in music, immersed in light. We were united in understanding more comprehensively as He revealed His thoughts to us. We marveled at His genius; a purpose so thoroughly engineered it was brilliant, yet with an intricacy of symbolism and layering that remained even more pregnant with mystery. My fellow angels and I were lost in wonder, still awakening to the magnitude of what we were viewing. Then, I heard my name. It was an inner call issuing from the center of my “knower”.  I think sons of Adam call it intuition. Some call it the “voice of the Lord.” Again, hard to describe unless you are used to following the inner promptings, which sometimes feel like your own imaginings.
I knew I was being singled out of all the other angels. I was both honored and humbled at the same time; in other words, I was aware of the weightiness and quivering before the commission. I was given an assignment. I would be the first to step through the invisible border which was now completely open between dimensions. I was vibrating with a resonance and a frequency I had never experienced and a message both simple and profound.
I understood there were shepherds I was to visit and prepare. I was to speak and inform them of the Baby born nearby. Their lives were about to intersect with the Divine purpose in a way they never could have predicted. They were to become part of the marvelous story unfolding for the ages to come. These shepherds would always have a place in the story. It amazed me that at the moment of my arrival, they would be simple shepherds tending flocks, and the next moment, they would be transported to a larger reality; prominent players in the story of His Ultimate Intention. The veil between understandings is also a dimension. Once things are revealed of the more, there is no longer permission to remain in the confined place of the unaware. These shepherds were about to be propelled through a portal in their own future and the future of the world.
When I stepped through the void and into the earth realm, I immediately found myself traveling extremely fast. I was encased in light, speeding forward, and the stars were like fiery blurs under my feet. Everything was expanding around me as I traveled through the gateway. In that space, my being took on a more tangible form and, in a mere moment I was standing next to the shepherds I had seen from afar. The light emanating from me, along with the flashings of lightning as our two realms connected, frightened the shepherds with a panic that caused them to scream. It was similar to observations I have had of the sons of Adam being startled by another when there was no knowledge of proximity. They often “jump out of their skin” as the saying goes, and involuntarily let out a frightened shout as they are startled. The reaction of the shepherds to my appearance was so much more dramatic. I saw absolute panic in their eyes! They put their arms up in a reflexive attempt to shield themselves from my presence. I had to quiet their fear, so I offered, “Shalom. Do not be afraid. I bring good news that will turn into a great joy for all people.” I spoke slowly and lowered my voice as if speaking to a child, “Shhhhh, do not be frightened.”
When they saw I did not bring harm, they just stood rooted to the ground, awestruck. If they hadn’t looked so pitiful, I might have been amused to see them frozen in place with gaping mouths and dilated pupils. Here were grown men, hardy shepherds accustomed to fighting off wild animals and robbers that would steal from their flocks, absolutely paralyzed by my presence.
I waited again before continuing with more. When I determined they were ready, I announced, “For to you is born this day, in the City of David, a Saviour, Who is Christ the Messiah. And this will be the sign by which you will recognize Him. You will find a Baby wrapped is swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.” As I released the message, I suddenly was joined by my fellow angels. They were arrayed like knights, armor gleaming, ever on alert to defend the honor of the One they serve. This army of the troops of heaven was also being readied with a foretaste of a day when they would have a different commission: one to fight. But today it was to release a song that would create an atmosphere of blessing and favor and glory.
A collective song burst forth from us to announce what was to come: a new age. It was an age where the Divine Essence would take on the form of the Sons of Adam, and become as one of them. The shepherds did not know it then, but the Divine had impregnated earth, bringing the Peace they were longing for in the form of a Baby. He was also awakening them to experience His pleasure regarding them. This was the song we had been filled with, now fully developed and overflowing, giving glory to God.
We sang in cadence with the eternal melody that had begun in the heart of the Divine before time began, had developed in our understanding and was proceeding forth to bring honor and glory to Him. We also sang in cadence with what was initiated and would never be undone; an open way between the dimensions, impersonated in a God-man baby. How glorious to see the Door present before us. No longer would there be a separation of the two realms. This Baby was the Door and He would invite anyone to come in and find pasture. He was the Door of the sheep and He was the Lamb that was slain. Do you see why we were living in the anticipation? There had never been a day like this, and there had always been a day like this in the heart of the Divine. This Lamb was slain before the foundations of the earth. This Lamb Baby would be the manifestation of that reality in real time for the Sons of Adam. Our angelic portion was to announce it to the shepherds to witness, because it needed to be recorded for all of creation.
We sang until we became totally absorbed and caught up in the living and vibrant music swirling in the atmosphere. “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace among men with whom He I well pleased.” I imagine it looked like we eventually dissolved before the eyes of the shepherds, just as formerly, the curtain had seemed to dissolve between our dimensions. We could see the shepherds, but they could no longer see us. They were still standing there peering intently with a mixture of wonder and awe, hardly able to process what had just taken place long after they could no longer perceive our presence.   
After a while, I heard one say, “Let’s go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has come to pass which the Lord has made known to us.” I remember thinking, “Yes. That is the response of faith. Let’s go see. Let’s experience for ourselves.­­­­­­ These shepherds, stan­­ding­­­­­ in the darkness of the nighttime, have found a way to move in the story and with the story. They are going to embrace their role, and they and the story will be fuller because of it.”
We watched as the moments unfolded before us, mesmerized by what we saw transpiring, We were overwhelmed with worship at the revelation of the many layers the story while it circled around itself and came back to the beginning, only to reveal deeper nuances. In this instance, we could see the parallels between this Lamb Baby and the sacrifice required in the Garden of Eden. That sacrifice clothed Adam and his wife with skins which temporarily covered their shame. We always sensed there would come a day when another perfect sacrifice would eradicate that guilt and shame and crush the enemy forever. This was the dawning of that day. We had waited eons for this and we were awestruck.
The shepherds began hurrying to a place outside Bethlehem called Migdal Eder; Tower of the flock. There was no mystery of where to search for the Baby. That fleeting look of astonishment illuminating the faces of the shepherds, assured me they knew the very location to look for Him. These were no ordinary shepherds. These were shepherds whose job it was to oversee the flocks of sheep and goats destined for Temple sacrifices. But I will let them tell their account now.

1 comment:

  1. Victoria, I've been transported to a hillside in Bethlehem a coyote thousand years ago. You are incredibly gifted,indeed multi-gifted. I hope this becomes a book. I look forward to catch up reading the others. I don't know how I missed them till now or where days 1-3 are.
