Thursday, December 21, 2017

Anticipation- Day 21

Zachariah remained mute during all of Elizabeth’s pregnancy until a key event unlocked his voice. Nine long months to ruminate and recall every detail of what had happened to him while he served in his priestly role at the Temple. Nine months for him to develop receptivity to things he couldn’t understand with his mind.
He thought about the words, “For he will be great and distinguished in the sight of the Lord… cause to return many of the sons of Israel to the Lord their God…and he will go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn back the hearts of the fathers to the children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the upright in order to make ready for the Lord a people prepared.”
His child…a prophet like Elijah…to prepare a people for Mashiach…turn back the heart of the fathers to the children…
The words were astounding! The more he turned them over in his mind, the more he wondered what they meant. He tried to place himself, and all he knew, inside the word. He thought about where he lived and who he knew and what had happened in the past. He thought about Elizabeth and he both being descendants of Aaron, and how his son was supposed to be a priest. He thought about how it would look to others when his son didn’t follow the prescribed path. He thought about reputation and status and position. He had plenty of time to think, and all of his thinking only brought him more questions and more things revealed about his heart. Preconceived notions surfaced that he hadn’t been aware he carried. He had to come to terms with each one of them, and allow his mind to be changed. It was a slow and deliberate process.
When he had come to the place of accepting nothing was going to be as he had thought when he had prayed for a son, he began the process of asking how to raise a child with a destiny that would affect countless others. There was a letting go of his dream to receive a greater Dream. The Divine was not only birthing a prophet, he was birthing a new man in Zachariah, in order for him to guide and father this baby. That was one of the reasons he remained mute. None of his processing would be done with others. The only opinion and wisdom that mattered, was that of Divine, so Zachariah turned to the One who knew.
Time went by, and it came time for Elizabeth to deliver. Zachariah waited anxiously while the women who were skilled in midwifery attended her. He was astonished at how emotional he was. He was anything but patient, but it was not a selfish impatience. He was worried. It was as if his every love nerve was on pins and needles. He was concerned for Elizabeth and her age. He was concerned for her health and her stamina. He was concerned that it was all taking so long. He wanted her delivered so she could recover and enter into the joy of a dream come true. He wanted to walk away and come back when it was over and he wanted to be right there. There were so many conflicting emotions. He finally entered into the place he had cultivated in his nine months of silence. He became very humble and entered a place of quiet trust.
And there it was! A tiny infant’s cry! Elizabeth had delivered a baby boy, just as the angel had said. Tears formed in his eyes and he was surprised that he was not a bit embarrassed. They coursed down his cheeks and he sobbed in relief and joy. There were pats on his back and congratulations from his friends. There was celebration while people spread the news all around. The whole village heard and came to see. The angel had said he would have joy and exultant delight and many would rejoice over his birth. That also was proving true. This special baby was placed in Zachariah’s arms and he marveled at perfection. He was very aware that he was privileged to hold a dream come true and he was very grateful.
However, he remained mute. He couldn’t share he joy with others. He still couldn’t speak. The angel had said he would continue to be silent “until the day when these things take place.” The baby had been born so what did that mean?  He wondered, but he had learned a few things. Everything the angel had told him was proving true. He believed now that his voice would be restored. It was a just matter of practicing more patience.

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