Saturday, December 16, 2017

Anticipation-Day 16

I want to backtrack a bit in my rambling. I would like to mention a woman who seems to be a bit player in this story, but who actually is a stunning example of selflessness. Many of the individuals previously mentioned were selfless, but this woman is in a class of her own. She is Elizabeth.
We angels have always had a special place reserved in our hearts for her. As the events of the days leading up to the coming of Immanuel brought her into view, we observed her walking through life as the wife of a priest. This gave her recognition and a position of status in her community, but it never seemed to affect her as it did other sons of Adam. That is not to say she was in any way deficient in the duties that were expected of her, she just didn’t “wear” position. Maybe that is a way to express it. Some of the Sons of Adam seem to “put on” status as if it is a garment they wear, which makes them a bit above other people.
Not so with Elizabeth. As a matter of fact, there was a quiet resignation in the way she moved through the requirements of the day. We came to know it was because she did not have a child and had given up hope that it would ever happen. Her time had passed her by, and she had capitulated to the fact that being a mother was not something she would experience.
When her husband came home from serving in the Temple as High Priest, without the ability to talk, she was concerned. She could tell something momentous had happened. Zachariah was mute. He was able to write on a tablet so he wrote about the angel who had appeared to him and the fact that he had promised Zachariah a son. When Elizabeth understood the possibility at hand, she became hopeful. Zachariah was mute! He had experienced something that caused this! Her faith met possibility and she conceived.
Then the astounding happened. She hid herself away for five months. She secluded herself because the Divine deigned to look upon her and take away her reproach among the Sons of Adam.  On the one hand, she was overjoyed at her condition. She would no longer have to bear the disgrace of childlessness.
Instead of announcing her good news and sharing her joy with her community however, she closeted herself away, completely awed at what the Divine had done in her life. He counted her worthy. She in no way took this gift or responsibility lightly. She worshipped the Divine daily for His most precious gift.
Soon after this, when Elizabeth was in her sixth month, Miriam came to visit her. She too had just found out she was carrying a child. And when Elizabeth heard Miriam’s greeting, the baby she was carrying leapt for joy in her womb.
Right then, Elizabeth was given revelation about Miriam. She said, “Blessed above all other women are you, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And how have I deserved that the mother of my Lord should honor me with a visit?” Elizabeth was losing the limelight already.
That’s why we angels love her. How could she be so humble? There was absolutely no sign of rivalry or jealousy. There was no desire for recognition. There was no feeling that Miriam’s event eclipsed hers. There was just the true rejoicing of two women having been sovereignly chosen by the Divine to carry out their portion of His eternal plan. It was magnificent to see.
Both were filled with the Spirit of Divine. Their actions and reactions were the product of allowing the Divine presence free reign in their lives. When that happens, there is no room for jealousy or a false caste system based upon position and competition. Each woman was thrilled to be the recipient of Divine favor and desired to fulfill her role in the dimension of earth in whatever way presented itself. It left no room for a side glance at anything else. They both had complete satisfaction in themselves, and that is a rare thing indeed, among the Sons of Adam.

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