Saturday, December 2, 2017

Anticipation--Day One

How do you begin to recount and convey the significance of momentous events so that others can enter into the possibilities of eternity? My dilemma is translating a monumental experience in a way that brings the hearer into the event as a partaker. I know no other way than to just dive in.
My name is Ariel, and I am an angel. I have been entrusted with various assignments that have allowed me to interact with the sons of Adam, so I have begun to understand how they think. It is that thinking that prompted me to write this account. I am able to share a perspective from the realm which is just beyond their awareness.  I sometimes wonder why they do not perceive how near we angles are; the veil between our dimensions being so thin, but that is a discussion for another time.
The continuum in which I reside is full of movement, sound and celebration, music and color all blended into a constantly changing, revelatory experience of wholeness and Shalom. There are a myriad ways of perceiving and interacting. It is like extra sensory perception of the holiest kind….. and now that I have begun, I see it is going to be hard to find language to convey what I mean. It could seem chaotic to someone who lives in the earthly dimension, but to us, just beyond the confines of earthly awareness, it is Life and Love, Sustenance and Revelation, Fulfillment and Purpose all woven into one. When the sons of Adam arrive on this side, they have to practice seeing and hearing. Really seeing, not just looking, and really hearing, not just listening, because so much is happening all at once. Everything is alive and pulsating with life and mystery. There are threads of story and filaments of chronicle filling the atmosphere, continually dancing together and parting again to communicate in ethereal beauty too grand to absorb at first. 
Gazing intently at what captures attention, brings what is moving and changing into focus.  As you “see” what is manifesting in that moment, it ignites revelation and brings a fuller sense of how all-encompassing the story really is. And of course, the story is organic, never static. And yes… we are all part of the story. Does that make sense? I think sometimes Adam’s sons get stuck in thinking there are steps or a progression in the story, but everything is really happening all at once, because there is no time in this dimension.  It is possible to find yourself at all points on the timeline, if you are willing to accept that. I once had the chance to observe a Son of Adam as that realization came over her.  She asked to be introduced to the “me of my future” as she called it. She understood that even if she hadn’t lived her future in her time, there was a reality in who she was in the Divine Eye, that could help her in her “now” time. That awakening was delightful to watch. I saw the Divine Essence impart understanding that enabled her to set a course for His Ultimate Intention in her life. It brought a determination and surety to her that allowed her to ignore the distractions. I found that exhilarating to watch.
So, we angels are accustomed to flowing in all of the celebration and movement.  We are ready at all times to also respond to a summons. But what we experienced was more like being caught in an anticipation in the music of heaven; a sound so subtle, it was sensed more than heard.  That solitary tone began a series of wonderings and awakenings of something yet to come.  There was no resolution, so the other angels and I began to live in the in between place. We waited for the next note in the chords swirling in and among the sounds that were alive and waiting for release. The consensus was that this unresolved place was wooing the future to come and be joined to the past. The anticipation acted like a bridge, and in that bridging time, we had learned to be on high alert for momentous change of some kind.

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