Saturday, December 9, 2017

Anticipation-Day 9

The Son of God. Immanuel. Mashiach Nagid. (Messiah, the King). Conceived of a virgin; overshadowed by what Divine purpose set in motion before the institution of time. Another joining of the dimensions in a son of Adam, to show forth the loving intentions of Divine Essence. Mashiach. He is Love as an infant, coming to wage war on an age old enemy and strip him of power forever. So innocuous! So sublime!

Who would guess that this baby housed the weapon of Love to undo the decision by Adam to do things his way, so that it could never remain the final say.  Elohim stepped out of one dimension and into that very same decision, to wear his heart on the sleeve of the earth. Immanuel. Love proclaiming what Elohim would set right, not what the Sons of Adam did wrong.

Immanuel is proof of the Divine grace gift: the glory of His Essence in human form. He is Love displayed in a way that every son of Adam may be equally convinced of what Divine Essence believes about them. They are worthy of love. One decision never altered that. Here, in this child was the crack in time being held open so that every permission for the merging of realities could fully permeate every creature, person, element and object. In Him was the dawning of the new age of the restoration of all things.

Malcom Smith wrote:
The Incarnation means He came inside our humanity and He sat inside our mental darkness; inside our fears. He looked out through my eyes and said, “I see what you see, but now let me tell you the truth,” and He tells you from the INSIDE, that the Father loves you.
You see, Jesus came down and got inside of us, and He got right down into “death” that was ours. Then He walked us out in resurrection and ascension and He carried us home to the Father where we belong.

Here in Immanuel, was the beginning of that process. It would unfold in ways that the players in this story could never conceive. They had no way of knowing how the seemingly mundane was intricately interwoven with the Divine.

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