Friday, December 15, 2017

Anticipation-Day 15

Everything I am led to tell you began in the heart of the Divine. Everything is conceived in Him and comes forth from Him. It is a wonder that the Sons of Adam are so disconnected from that thought at times. Some confess they can do nothing apart from the Divine, but they do not realize the Divine can do little without them. Yes, I said “little.” I wish they realized how much of a partnership they have been invited to share. It isn’t only they who need the partnership; it is the Divine also.
There have been heroes along the way who illustrate what I mean and none better than Miriam. We angels were holding our collective breath when Gabriel appeared to her and said she would conceive and give birth to a son whom she would call Immanuel. It was a statement, but hidden in the statement was a request. Will you agree to collaborate in partnership with Divine? Will you posture yourself in a place where objection is subservient to opportunity; where understanding defers to the summons? Will you position yourself to receive something of import that will change the dynamics of how the Sons of Adam view themselves in the future? Will you accept the commissioning?
Miriam asked one question. How? That how question contained the key. We were so glad Miriam chose to ask how, because a “how” question means one is disposed to receive. It presupposes the one asking, has subconsciously accepted the proposition. Gabriel gave an answer that I am sure Miriam did not really understand, but the fact that there was an answer, was enough for her. She said “Yes.”
 A very small word:  a trinity of letters coming together which caused a portal to open over her enabling a miracle to take place.  As we watched, it appeared as a window in heaven through which poured out a magnanimous blessing. The atmosphere became wavy and undulated with transparent light; blues, pinks, and lavenders alternating with a shimmery clear that took on other colors. It resembled the rainbow around the throne of the Divine. We bowed our hearts and rejoiced to see such faith and trust. It was one of the most beautiful sights we had seen in eons.
We angels think “yes” might just be the most powerful word in the Universe. Yes! And as I ponder it, I think it most probably is. “Yes” allows the Sons of Adam to co-create with the Divine. Yes, there is a plan, as I said before, it is organic. It requires ownership and cooperation. It is never stagnant and concrete. It is living and active and the Sons of Adam can choose to press it out in any number of ways. The Divine is not rigid and exacting as some believe.
We angels frequently hear the word “obedience” coming from the Sons of Adam. We don’t use that word because that requires one to have a “yes” and “no” dichotomy.  That is mostly a construct of a misunderstanding. I think the sons of Adam believe obedience keeps them in good graces with the Divine, but they are always in His good graces. The Divine only operates in the YES and eternally offers that to the Sons of Adam to consider. They do not realize “yes” is the only response they make anyway. They are always saying “yes” to something. Yes is directional. Adam said “yes” to the serpent.
“Yes” is a vehicle that takes you on a journey. Mary said “yes” that opened up a new dimension. The Divine melded with her in her “yes” and that “yes” was a vehicle for Him to restore what was lost. Her “yes” was relational, not positional. To say it was an act of obedience cheapens it and brings it into the realm of limit. “Yes” is a key. It is a door. It is a vehicle. It is relational and it is the most powerful word a Son of Adam can utter. I would like to offer the Sons of Adam another way to think about “yes.” Every decision they make is a “yes” that takes them from one place to another or keeps them in the same place. All of life is a series of “Yesses.” Some of them are amazing, life altering journeys that cause them to be conjoined with the Divine as was Miriam during her Immaculate Conception, the union of the mortal with the Divine.

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