Monday, December 18, 2017

Anticipation-Day 18

I may seem like I am veering off of the narrative about what happened when the Baby opened the matrix and came as Immanuel, but I promise you everything is tied together, and I am following the directive of Divine. We angels have always lived in the eternal dimension, so we forget the Sons of Adam see things in a much more linear way. That’s why the Divine says, “Come up here.” Thoughts and events become more panoramic here. The view is so much more encompassing from the higher vantage point.
Now that we have observed several players in the story, it is time to heighten awareness of the mysterious method that Divine uses to accomplish His purpose. It is truly miraculous! The more we understand it, the more in awe we become because it is an organic plan. The Divine does not have complete control over it, and yet it will be accomplished. This organic and harmonious relationship between the Divine and all the players of the whole, allow for a gradual but always natural development.
His plan is living and breathing and comes from His very being. It flows from His essence and has no separation from the Divine Himself. It is beyond time and space but invites response from the Sons of Adam. That response to His essence causes the plan to become in their realm.
For instance, when the mother of Immanuel looked upon Him in his suffering, her heart was shattered, broken into tiny shards, completely devastated. But there was an eternal word proceeding from the Divine which said, “Behold, I make all things new.”  Her suffering was a matrix that pulled eternity, and the Divine plan into her now time.
So, all of the characters and all of the things they were invited into in the natural, were spiritually organic as well. The things they chose to do called to the plan of the Divine and summoned the living, breathing plan into their present reality, causing it to take form. The more they responded to the plan, the more it surrounded them and affected them and became one with them. At that point they became the plan He knew from the beginning.
A plan is a proposal. It is a configuration or something worked out beforehand for the accomplishment of an objective. Every player has a part to play in making it come about. So, here is where the amoeba reference is applicable!
The Sons of Adam receive a lead, an idea or an unction. It causes the fluid edge of what they are immersed in to expand in a direction. Whatever is of Divine in that direction can then be encompassed and become one with the amoeba-like plan. It can move and breathe and change. Certain longings or thoughts, declarations or prayer can pull it in the direction that is the Divine ideal. When that happens, the Sons of Adam get to experience astounding moments of becoming one with the Divine in the intentions of His heart. They are then witness to a miraculous provision, a “sign” or a “wonder.” That is the plan manifesting in the time realm. The plan is not a path; it is more like the invention of song or a tapestry—more like art. It is creative and the Sons of Adam become co-creators with the Divine.
When thought of like that, it makes understanding Divine all the more wonderful because He allows freedom of choice, and yet He has promised that “it is finished.” What a promise!

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