Day 22
The command of Divine given to the Patriarch Abraham and passed
down through generations dictated that each male child should be circumcised on
the eighth day. The command was to remind the Sons of Adam of the promises made
by Divine and recorded in Torah. The sign of circumcision was synonymous with
acknowledging the covenant and joining oneself to those promises.
As was the custom, Zachariah and Elizabeth looked forward to this
very special day; the day of circumcision. Family and friends gathered together
to witness and celebrate this new addition to the community and the family of
Divine. Little did they know that the command had a scientific correlation that
made the eighth day optimal for this surgical procedure. There are subtleties
and hidden wisdom in commands of Divine that go beyond the ability of the Sons
of Adam to detect or grasp fully. It would be centuries before what the Sons of
Adam call science would prove the why. In the meantime, the command turned into
tradition to ensure that it would be carried out properly. Since I have access
to the timeless dimension, I will inform you of what would be discovered in
After birth, a newborn will begin to produce Vitamin K which is
responsible for the production of prothrombin. These two factors coupled
together cause blood coagulation which is crucial in any surgery. The
production in infant males begins on the fifth through the seventh days. On the
eighth day, the amount of prothrombin is elevated beyond one hundred percent of
normal. This is the day when Vitamin K and prothrombin are at their peak. Scientifically
speaking the eighth day is the perfect day to perform circumcision.
And so, following the
command of Torah, Zachariah and Elizabeth gathered with family to obey. Their
precious gift would become a child of the covenant. He would become part of a
greater family and a greater story. It was an awe inspiring moment to think
that this act was linking him to generations who had gone before and would come
after in the story of Divine. This infant would become an individual and bring
color and depth to the narrative Divine was communicating when he took his place
in it. This child had an assignment and a mission to accomplish. This act was tantamount
to his parents agreeing to launch him into that assignment. Without
circumcision, whatever he did would be null and void according to the word of
When the act had been performed, the friends and family began to
ask Zachariah what he would be called. They thought he should be named Zachariah,
after his father. That would be an honor for one who had waited so long for a
son. But Zachariah still couldn’t speak, so he asked for a writing tablet and
wrote, “His name is John.” That was the name already told him by the angel. It
meant “he is beloved.”
In that moment, with that simple declaration written on a tablet,
Zachariah came into full agreement with what had been prophesied. His heart and
his words were aligned with Divine purpose.
Simultaneously, his mouth was opened and his tongue was loosed. He began
to speak again, praising Divine with blessing and thanksgiving. An
all-encompassing awe fell upon the neighbors and witnesses; so much so, they
began to wonder what manner of child this was. The impact upon the crowd was so
great that word spread all throughout Judea, causing all who heard to know the
hand of Divine was surely upon him.
Zachariah was filled with the Spirit of Divine and began to prophesy.
Under the inspiration of Divine, he had much to say! He had come to realize
some of what the prophets foretold for the future and the connection with his
now time. It was a Kairos moment of prophecy being fulfilled and his son would
be another integral personality in the unfolding of it.
After praising Divine, recalling His faithfulness and connecting
this day with the Covenant of Abraham, he went on to prophesy about this child,
“And you, little one, shall be called a prophet of the Most High; for you shall
go on before the face of the Lord to make ready His ways.”
And the little boy grew and became strong in spirit; and he was in
the deserts until the day of his appearing to Israel and the commencement of
his public ministry. This child never fit the mold of the priesthood. His
father knew he was destined for something more, so he fashioned his son
according to how he was internally wired. John spent long hours in solitude. He
was programmed in the womb for silence. In the desert places he frequented he
reveled in silence because there, he could hear the Voice that most dictated
his life. The Voice would become his voice crying in the wilderness of the
human condition, “Prepare the way of the Lord.”
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