Sunday, December 24, 2017

Anticipation-Days 23 and 24

Day 23 and 24
There are certainly many characters who play out crucial roles in the ongoing story Divine is releasing. Each character in the story is alive, constantly changing in physical appearance and age as their cells are replaced, and yet they remain the same persons. They reproduce others after themselves to carry on the story, each unique with differing DNA, wired to have different visions and dreams and goals, gifting and passions.
So the narrative is alive and moving, always morphing and changing to reach a culmination in time, which will not be an end as much as it will be another beginning. This just magnifies awareness of how magnificent and magnanimous is the genius that is Divine. Nothing can alter his ultimate intention. It remains the same regardless of how many cells are replaced or how many players make optimal decisions. Divine is so great He works within it all and is not at all limited.
As the story moves and changes it sometimes pulls the characters along as they respond to His guidance, but just as often, the decisions and actions of the individuals within the story cause the Divine to respond. For example, Yosef said “yes” to the angel and his story moved all the way to the East where the astrologers were searching the heavens. His heart response intersected with their search and created a link between his “yes” and their observation. The story was broadened and given greater scope.
The refusal of the astrologers to return to Herod protected the Baby, but had excruciating consequences; a result of the breach of trust that had happened in the garden. However, those consequences created a prophetic moment foretelling a greater Holocaust to come and Rachel is still weeping and mourning for her children, refusing to be comforted to this day.  
In the timeless dimension, all is connected and everything is happening in a present moment. That is what makes all things possible; the conjunction of eternity and now time. It always and forever was intended to work is a synchronous harmony with and in Divine.
And in the Eternal moment the Divine was always Immanuel. He did not become Immanuel when He was born in the time dimension. He always was and always is and always will be Immanuel. He walked in the Garden as Immanuel and He was born in a manger to take on the form of the Sons of Adam so they could see a model and a blueprint of who they were. The Divine, in the person of Immanuel, came fully into time to show the Sons of Adam their true identity and worth. He was fully the Son of Adam and Son of Divine.  He was coming to undo the empty philosophical intellectualism and meaningless conjecture which had been molded in ancient traditions.  He was coming to counter the cosmic riddles and myths which had grown up like weeds, choking out the truth causing the Sons of Adam to forget who they were.
The dichotomy is that while the vast expanse of Universe cannot fully define or express the attributes of Divine, His nature and essence was meticulously displayed in this Baby. He was born as a Mirror to show the Sons of Adam, their true worth and identity.
Every Son of Adam was included in Him when the Divine entered the time dimension. Each was held in His heart of hearts and was part and parcel of His being. He walked all of His days with them in his heart. Everything He was and did demonstrated who they were created to be. The Architect became the model to repair the breach and restore the faded blueprint in the hearts of the Sons of Adam. He came as the Divine cartographer rescuing the chart and painstakingly restoring every tear, every stain and every wrinkle until the map was new again.
He came to walk out each life, both those who came before and those who would come after, so they could understand that He was intimately aware of everything that had potential to distract. He entered fully into the dimension of the Sons of Adam so that He could change their paradigm. Their deficiencies were annihilated and their completeness was realized in Him.
The Sons of Adam were in Him when He died and the defilement of the breach, that death shroud, was ripped away for all eternity. In Divine, the Sons of Adam were made alive together with Him again. The barrier between eternity and now time was annihilated, the two became one once more.
His body nailed to the cross was displayed as the glaring thesis of mankind’s guilt. In dying the death of the Sons of Adam, he deleted the painstaking record of the breach. Every stain that the breach left on conscience was fully eradicated in His death. The Sons of Adam were now free to discover once again who they were. It was the supreme act of identification with the hopeless blindness of the Sons of Adam. His coup d’etat made a public spectacle of the rule and authority empowered by the breach of the Sons of Adam.
They were now fully included in Divine. Their agreement with Truth would break the association with the breach and their lives would now be hidden in Divine. There was a new reference point and a new beginning. The identical life that was displayed in Divine is now repeated in the Sons of Adam. They are now co-joined in the same Joy He has with His Father and just as His life revealed who the Sons of Adam were, so now their lives could reveal who He is.
When the Sons of Adam realize they co-died and were co-raised together with Him they can wash their thoughts with truth and put the old futile way of life passed on by their forefathers behind them.  That old life is a lie foreign to their design. They stand now fully identified in a new creation according to the blueprint of the exact image of Divine. That revelation of Divine in the Sons of Adam gives them identity beyond anything anyone could ever be. From now on everyone would be defined by Divine.

3:12 You are the product of God’s love, He restored you to His original thought to belong to Him exclusively.  It is like changing garments; now that you have gotten rid of the old, clothe yourselves with inner compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
3:13 Upholding one another in positive expectation. If anyone finds fault with another, restore that person to favor in the same forgiveness that the Lord released us with. 3:14 Wear love like a uniform; this is what completes the picture of our oneness.
3:15 Appoint the peace of Christ as umpire in your hearts; we are all identified in the same person, there is only one body. You exist to transmit favor.
3:16 Christ is the language of God’s logic. Let His message sink into you copiously with unlimited vocabulary, taking wisdom to its most complete conclusion. This makes your fellowship an environment of instruction in an atmosphere of music. Every lesson is a reminder, echoing in every song you sing, whether it be a Psalm (raving about God in praise and worship accompanied by musical instruments) or a hymn (a testimony song) or a song in the spirit (a new spontaneous prophetic song).Grace fuels your heart with inspired music to the Lord.
3:17 Every relationship of your life reflects Him. Your conversation and conduct bears the stamp of His Name, nature and Lordship; Jesus is the inspiration of your gratitude towards God as Father.
Mirror Bible

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