Friday, December 8, 2017

Anticipation-Day 8

Eventually the baby woke up and needed more than Yuval could provide, so he placed the baby in the arms of the young Miriam, who had awakened at his first cries. They momentarily locked gazes as he handed her the little bundle. Her eyes were expressive of gratefulness and an unusual assurance. He had expected to see uncertainty and youthful insecurity, but instead he saw a settled-ness and an inner peace. It was almost as if she was trying to transfer some of that to him. Yuval felt that she knew what he knew. He allowed himself to look into those eyes for a moment longer and receive the unspoken communication she was offering. The dread he had been feeling seemed to flow out of him as if a stopper had been removed to drain him of his anxiety for this child. He felt the impartation of a seed of hope which began to blossom within him again. The fear had died and he was free to live in the fullness of the position he had been assigned, knowing it was a crucial part of the big picture which in many ways, still remained shrouded in mystery.

He left her to attend to the baby while her husband Yosef went outside to feed their donkey and ready the animal for the rest of their trip to Bethlehem.

As she received the child, she thought back to the day that she began this journey. Not the physical journey, but the inner one: the one requiring belief in the supernatural. No one knew better than she, that there was something Providential about this Child. She had entered another dimension when the Angel Gabriel appeared to her. He invited her into an altered state and an altered life. She thought of the words way back in Yirmeyahu’s day when he had prophesied, “For, I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope”.
“Sure, that promise was meant for the nation of Israel, but it was also true for individuals. Adonai had a plan and she was one of the few who were favored with an astounding experience of the eternal intersecting with the now. She had entered an “in that day” moment, and her decision brought substance and dimension to the promise of the Divine becoming one with humanity.

She thought back to that day and was transported into the experience once again. She felt the terror and confusion of the initial greeting of the angel Gabriel. Remembering still engendered in her that same distress, but his assurance that grace and favor were hers for the transfer of a message allowed her mind to be silenced so her spirit could receive what he said. There was no way her mind could comprehend it anyway. It was too remarkable.

As soon as she heard the words, “You will become pregnant and give birth to a Son,” her understanding was thrown into bewilderment. But Gabriel continued to speak about the name of this child and His destiny. As he did, one question arose, “How?” How would all of this take place? How could it be her? And then the angel had explained even more she couldn’t understand. Had it been that way with the prophets of old? Did they also have the sense that the more they received from Elohim, the more it was not an explanation at all? It was simply an opening into something one had never considered because it was so outside the confines of reason. Her “how” question presupposed that she would be the one through whom the promise would be fulfilled.

The angel’s words did not allow her to comprehend, they just gave her the opportunity to join what she already knew was promise, with a decision to take a portion of promise and own it. There was only one necessary component and that was her intent. The angel’s statements remained solely in the realm of possibility until she married her intent; the leaning of her entire understanding and will and desire (or what she knew of it) to what was being offered. Her intent would be the pin that joined the promise with her assignment, making her the hinge. One person, one decision could change the course of history.

So, when the angel said, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you,” there was little of understanding. However, when she heard his assurance that, “No word from God is without power or impossible of fulfillment,” it caused her to grasp something elusive and believe against all evidence of sense and rational judgement. It allowed her to yield to that inner place that was calling her to respond. She heard herself say, “Be it done to me according to what you have said.” Something had been enkindled in her of desire she hadn’t known was possible. It was like a whole new room had opened up and she hadn’t even known there was a door; never mind a whole world behind that door!

Intent left her heart and was released into the earthly dimension which allowed the initiation of the promise on earth as it was in the heart of the Divine. One yes was all that was needed to set in motion the plan that was in His heart from eternity past. One willing vessel. One life. One small morsel of intent married to promise opened up the door for the marriage of Earth and heaven. Thus, the child that would be formed in her would be the link.

When she agreed to be the one, something she would never forget took place. The atmosphere changed and Holiness became a palpable substance around her. She was surrounded with Light and Peace and Enigma. In that consecrated moment, she observed large golden balls of light coming toward her. At the same time, she saw tiny golden balls of light leaving her body. These balls of light moved closer and closer, hovering before her until they merged. They blended together until there was no line of demarcation between them. They were all made one together. They filled the space before her and it took a moment for her to know that they were particles of God Substance, like His molecules mingling with hers. The two became one, creating a whole new reality and a whole new being. Truly, her offspring would be called the “Son of God.”

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